Web Graphics

Social media has become one of, if not the most effective way for a candidate to build his following. There’s a lot you could do to put yourself on the map, but becoming a public figure with a decent following borders on luck, and maintaining a dedicated following while on the campaign trail is no easy task either. Since candidates can’t reliably run a social media and political campaign by themselves, consulting firms will supplement their timelines with videos, articles, and graphics. Social media graphics are the most common out of any type of graphic I get requested, and probably the most effective at connecting with voters.

The appeal of politics for most people, I presume, is the ability to get involved to affect change. People don’t like what they’re hearing in the news, and many of them will jump at any opportunity that presents itself to help out a cause. Holidays make up a large portion of the web graphics I’ve done, and are typically the first thing I make for a candidate. They’re a great way to demonstrate your values, since what you celebrate and how says a lot about you, and more obscure holidays tend to split along party lines. Short of celebrating some sacrilegious holiday that everyone hates, its a relatively positive way to reach out to your base.

Factoids about the candidate are pretty useful too, which help followers know a candidate’s qualifications, influences, life experience, as well as how relatable they are. If you wanted to take that concept in a negative direction, candidates also ask for factoids about why you shouldn’t vote for their opponent.

Now this is all great, celebrating holidays with the party and getting to know the candidates, but the way to get followers active is by advertising petitions, events, and fundraisers. There are obvious benefits to these, but a movement comprised of enough like minded people contributing in a way that feels important builds on itself.

I hope you find appreciation in some of the graphics you see. I’m very proud of my work. While viewing, see what you can infer about each candidate based on the graphics they’ve requested.

Michael August

JD Chaplin

Vic Dabney

Marie Delcioppo

Randy Dickey

Jarrod Goldman

Bryan Hope

John Long

RJ May

Tom Nichols

Jordan Pace

Michael Raffield

Mike Turner

Chris Wooten


Attack Ads


Pamphlets and Door Hangers